They say it’s hard to hide yourself
these days, from the government
or justice or the in-laws.
What with the more cautious precautions
and the latest technology,
and all.
They say it’s hard to find the plane
that dropped from the radar,
blind to all one hundred and sixty-two
of its people hiding, sliding
softly into a sea where they
won’t be found.
They say it’s hard to be innocent
when you’ve killed a man,
and yet he’s innocent,
and we look on as this country’s racism
sails him away from
the choppy dark waters of 2014.
They say we will find you,
a bursting threat, and yet
when we want to be found,
the clock will make its rounds
too quickly.
And what if I were to
lose myself tonight?
Lose myself in the drink,
in the heartache, in the words,
in the years that go by
faster if you force them.
Would you find me?
these days, from the government
or justice or the in-laws.
What with the more cautious precautions
and the latest technology,
and all.
They say it’s hard to find the plane
that dropped from the radar,
blind to all one hundred and sixty-two
of its people hiding, sliding
softly into a sea where they
won’t be found.
They say it’s hard to be innocent
when you’ve killed a man,
and yet he’s innocent,
and we look on as this country’s racism
sails him away from
the choppy dark waters of 2014.
They say we will find you,
a bursting threat, and yet
when we want to be found,
the clock will make its rounds
too quickly.
And what if I were to
lose myself tonight?
Lose myself in the drink,
in the heartache, in the words,
in the years that go by
faster if you force them.
Would you find me?